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This Website is the Presidential Records maintained and serviced by the Presidential Archives of Korea to ensure the people's right to know.

Thank you for visiting our website.
  • We are facing a new challenge called carbon neutrality that has
    garnered worldwide attention.

    Our path to carbon neutrality is unprecedented,
    and it is crucial to achieve carbon neutrality for the well-being of
    future generations in Korea and the sustainable development of our nation.

    The Republic of Korea announced its enhanced 2030 NDC targets for 2050 carbon neutrality at the UNFCCC COP26.

    Above all, governments, businesses, and citizens should cooperate
    to realize carbon neutrality both in the Republic of Korea and worldwide.
  • Based on the Framework Act on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth(FACNGG), the 2050 Carbon Neutral Strategy will form a governance where citizens take the initiative(Future generations, civil societies, workers, farmers, and local governments, as well as experts) and move towards the carbon neutrality goals that the Republic of Korea will continue to seek for the next 30 years.

    We welcome your participation in achieving a sustainable future for mankind.

    Thank you.

    Yun Sun-Jin, Co-Chairperson of the 2050 Carbon Neutrality
     and Green Growth Commission of the Republic of Korea

