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What is Carbon Neutrality?

Carbon neutrality is defined as the concept of setting net carbon emissions to “zero” so that the level of total greenhouse gases in the air stops increasing.
Reducing the net amount of carbon emissions to “zero” by decreasing GHG emissions generated by human activities to the fullest extent (positive factor) and removing GHG emissions through forest absorption or CCUS (negative factor) is referred to as carbon neutrality (net zero).

*CCUS: Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage technologies

Participating in the global efforts to combat climate crisis

Need to join the global efforts in response to abnormal weather conditions, the adoption of the Paris Agreement (December 2015), major countries’ announcement of carbon neutrality and 2030 NDC enhancement*, etc.

  • (Germany) 55% → 65% (1990 ~ May 2021)
    (U.S.) 26~28% (2005 ~ 2025) → 50~52% (up untill 2030)
    (U.K.) 78% (1990 ~ 2035, proceeding with the preexisting 68% reduction goal by 2030)
    (Japan) 26% → 46% (from 2013)

Rapid changes in the international economic order and trade environment

Necessary to preemptively respond to the EU and U.S. announcements on the adoption of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism(CBAM), global companies RE100 *declarations, the expansion of ESG investments, etc.

  • Declared by approximately 330 global companies, including Apple, BMW, Google, and Walmart (as of October 2021)

Swiftly reducing GHG emissions and achieving carbon neutrality is critical to improve sustainable economic growth and national competitiveness as a responsible member of the international community

  • Republic of Korea’s accumulated emissions (1951-2018): 1%, the world’s 13th

