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2030 NDC(Nationally Determined Contribution)

2030 NDC(2030 Nationally Determined Contribution) are intermediate goals for the realization of carbon neutrality by 2050, determined by the participating nations themselves, based on the Paris Agreement.
The Republic of Korea plans to reduce its GHG emissions by 40%, by 2030, compared to the levels in 2018.

*NDC : Nationally Determined Contribution

2030 NDC

Set the goal, comprehensively considering the purpose of the "Framework Act on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth(FACNGG), international trends, etc.

  • Reducing GHG emissions by over 35% from the 2018 levels by 2030 (FACNGG Article 8, Paragraph 1)

Reducing GHG emissions by 40% (291 million tons) from the 2018 levels (727.6 million tons) → GHG emissions in 2030: 436.6 million tons

  • Peak GHG emissions in the Republic of Korea were reached in 2018 and therefore this period was used as the base year to set the GHG emissions reduction targets.

A challenging goal when compared to other major countries, given that the annual average reduction rate of the NDC enhancement plan (basis year → target year) is 4.17% per year

  • Average annual reduction rates of major countries (%/year, (basis year → target year)): (EU) 1.98, (U.S.) 2.81, (U.K.) 2.81, (Japan) 3.56
Targets by sector
부분별 감축 목표 - 구분, 부문, 기준연도, 現 NDC, NDC 상향안으로 구성
Type Sector Base Year (2018) Current NDC
(Reduction from 2018)
Enhanced 2030 NDC
(Reduction from 2018)
Emission Amount 727.6 536.1 (△191.5, △26.3%) 436.6 (△291.0, △40.0%)
Emissions Energy Transformation 269.6 192.7 (△28.5%) 149.9 (△44.4%)
Industries 260.5 243.8 (△6.4%) 222.6 (△14.5%)
Buildings 52.1 41.9 (△19.5%) 35.0 (△32.8%)
Transport 98.1 70.6 (△28.1%) 61.0 (△37.8%)
Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries 24.7 19.4 (△21.6%) 18.0 (△27.1%)
Waste 17.1 11.0 (△35.6%) 9.1 (△46.8%)
Hydrogen - - 7.6
Others (Omissions, etc.) 5.6 5.2 3.9
Absorption and Removal Carbon Sinks -41.3 -22.1 -26.7
CCUS - -10.3 -10.3
Overseas Reduction - -16.2 -33.5
※ Emissions of the base year (2018): Total emissions, Emissions of 2030: Net emissions (total emissions - absorption/removal)
Progress Details

Establishment of the 2030 NDCs (Nationally Determined Contribution) (June 2015)

  • Established a goal to reduce by 37% from the Business As Usual(BAU) level (851 million tons), by 2030, in order to swiftly respond to the Paris Agreement, which will be launched after the Kyoto Protocol (June 2015)

Amendment of the “Basic Roadmap to Accomplish the 2030 NDC(Nationally Determined Contribution)” (July 2018)

  • Reflected the current government’s commitment to cope with climate change, increased the domestic reduction*, decreased the overseas reduction, and strengthened actual reduction amount
    * Increased domestic reduction (25.7%p → 32.5%p) in 37% from the BAU level

Amendment of the 2030 NDC (September 2020) and submission to the UNFCCC (December 2020)

  • Clarified the commitment to reduce GHG emissions by changing the reduction target's written format (BAU that may change arbitrarily → Absolute values that never change)*, etc. (December 20192) → Submitted to the UN (December 2020)
    * (Present) Reduction by 37% from the BAU level by 2030 → (2030) Reduction by 24.4% from the 2017 levels (by 26.3% from 2018 levels)

Announcement of the 2030 NDC enhancement plan to the international community (’21.4 ~)

Announcement of the NDC enhancement plan as a follow-up measure of the 2050 carbon neutrality declaration (October 2020)

  • The proposition of the 2030 NDC enhancement plan, an intermediate carbon neutrality goal, was announced at COP26 (November 2021), following the Leaders’ Climate Summit(April 2021), the R·O·K-U.S. summit (May 2021), P4G (May 2021), MEF (September 2021), etc.

Operation of the Technical Working Group in preparation for the NDC enhancement plan and revision by the relevant government departments (~ August 2021)

  • Utilized the Technical Working Group* that was established for Scenario preparation and discussed with relevant government departments to set goals in order to align NDC with the net-zero Scenarios
    * Consisting of 45 government-run research institutes, 10 Sub-Commissions (transition, industries, building, agriculture, stockbreeding , and fisheries, waste, carbon sinks, etc.), and 72 members

The minimum NDC standard (at least 35% from 2018 levels) is stipulated in the Framework Act on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth(FACNGG) (August 2021)

Establishment of the NDC enhancement plan, considering the purpose of the Framework Act on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth, international trends, etc. (September through October 2021)

