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HOME > Information > Enhanced 2030 NDC
2030 NDC(2030 Nationally Determined Contribution) are intermediate goals for the realization of carbon neutrality by 2050, determined by the participating nations themselves, based on the Paris Agreement.
The Republic of Korea plans to reduce its GHG emissions by 40%, by 2030, compared to the levels in 2018.
*NDC : Nationally Determined Contribution
Type | Sector | Base Year (2018) | Current NDC (Reduction from 2018) |
Enhanced 2030 NDC (Reduction from 2018) |
Emission Amount | 727.6 | 536.1 (△191.5, △26.3%) | 436.6 (△291.0, △40.0%) | |
Emissions | Energy Transformation | 269.6 | 192.7 (△28.5%) | 149.9 (△44.4%) |
Industries | 260.5 | 243.8 (△6.4%) | 222.6 (△14.5%) | |
Buildings | 52.1 | 41.9 (△19.5%) | 35.0 (△32.8%) | |
Transport | 98.1 | 70.6 (△28.1%) | 61.0 (△37.8%) | |
Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries | 24.7 | 19.4 (△21.6%) | 18.0 (△27.1%) | |
Waste | 17.1 | 11.0 (△35.6%) | 9.1 (△46.8%) | |
Hydrogen | - | - | 7.6 | |
Others (Omissions, etc.) | 5.6 | 5.2 | 3.9 | |
Absorption and Removal | Carbon Sinks | -41.3 | -22.1 | -26.7 |
CCUS | - | -10.3 | -10.3 | |
Overseas Reduction | - | -16.2 | -33.5 |