Message from President Moon Jae-in: Together, Let’s Move Forward
(Unofficial Trnslation) This warm spring weather brings back memories of the organized trips and sports days that I experienced while in elementary school. The three-legged race was one event that all the children, regardless of their athletic abilities, had a fair chance of winning. The students had to compete in pa...
Mar 22, 2020
Message from President Moon Jae-in on ROK-U.S. Currency Swap Agreement
(Unofficial Translation) The Republic of Korea and the United States signed a bilateral currency swap agreement – valued at US$60 billion – for the first time in 11 years. This good news reached us on the day when we held the 1st Emergency Economic Council Meeting and unveiled an unprecedented aid package ...
Mar 20, 2020
Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at 1st Emergency Economic Council Meeting
(Unofficial Translation) The Government has unquestionably transitioned to emergency mode. The Emergency Economic Council will go into high gear from today. This Council will play the role of a central economic response headquarters like the Central Disease Control Headquarters. The Government renews its firm determi...
Mar 19, 2020
Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Roundtable with Principal Economic Players
(Unofficial Translation) I’m glad to have you all here. We are in a grave situation with both the quarantine and economy. As the COVID-19 outbreak is protracted, public health and economic crises are threatening us all at once. With the number of new confirmed cases on a downward trend recently and fully recovered p...
Mar 18, 2020
Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at 13th Cabinet Meeting
(Unofficial Translation) Let me begin the 13th Cabinet Meeting. COVID-19 spreading into a global pandemic has not only brought quarantine frontlines around the world into a state of emergency but also dealt a severe blow to the economy. For this reason, concern is mounting about a possible global economic recession. ...
Mar 17, 2020
Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Meeting to Discuss Countermeasures against COVID-19 Outbreaks in Seoul Metropolitan Area
(Unofficial Translation) The number of new confirmed COVID-19 cases has decreased by a large margin across the country. The new confirmed case counts in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do Province, which have accounted for a large portion of the total, have also significantly dwindled. By contrast, the number of patients who ...
Mar 16, 2020
Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Joint Commissioning Ceremony for New Police Inspectors and Senior Inspectors
(Unofficial Translation) Fellow Koreans, our police officers, Today, 169 young police officers who will take responsibility for a safe Republic of Korea are to be newly commissioned. Talented people with a variety of backgrounds, including university students, police cadets, lawyers and certified public accountants...
Mar 12, 2020
Opening Remarks by President Moon Jae-in at Meeting with His Senior Secretaries
(Unofficial Translation) The number of new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Korea has been steadily decreasing since the peak of 916 on February 28, posting 248 on March 8 yesterday. This trend should be maintained. Many countries around the world, however, are seeing their confirmed case counts continue to rise. Under ...
Mar 09, 2020
Address by President Moon Jae-in at 68th Commencement and Commissioning Ceremony for Republic of Korea Air Force Academy
(Unofficial Translation) Cadets of the 68th class of the Republic of Korea Air Force Academy, I congratulate you on your graduation and commissioning. Despite this grave and difficult situation, I have come here to extend my congratulations personally. I am certain that in your commanding presence, the people will se...
Mar 04, 2020
Message from President Moon Jae-in on Joint Efforts to Overcome COVID-19 Outbreak
(Unofficial Translation) “The earth has grown early spring cabbage, and the people have fostered hopes.” We are currently talking about “social distancing,” yet in our minds, we continue to move forward, sticking together, wrapping our arms over each other’s shoulders. The Daegu Medical...
Mar 04, 2020