Honorary Reporters

Mar 04, 2022

By Honorary Reporter Eftychia Dovletoglou from Greece
Photos = Georgios Emmanouilidis

Georgios Emmanouilidis is a Greek martial artist who specializes in Korean styles. He started with taekwondo in 1999 and eventually earned a black belt, but did the same with haidong, geomdo, taekkyeon and hapkido, winning honors in taekwondo and taekkyeon.

The following are excerpts from a Feb. 15 phone interview with Emmanouilidis.

What made you interested in martial arts?
Films starring Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan that I watched as a child played an important role in my decision. I also realized the importance of self-defense, so I started learning taekwondo. I also wanted to learn how to handle a sword so I learned kendo. But I found no connection with my previous training in taekwondo through kendo, so I quickly gave it up. I later came across haidong geomdo, a Korean sword art.

What elements of the four Korean martial arts fascinate you?
What impresses me most about taekwondo is the confidence it gives me in daily life. With taekkyeon, I feel a sense of joy and relaxation because it's a noble style that calms body and mind. Haidong geomdo trains my spirit. And finally, I feel complete through hapkido.

What was your impression of Korea when visiting there? 
I traveled to Korea twice to attend taekkyeon seminars and the World Taekkyeon Championships in Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk-do Province. I also stayed at the Euljikwan World Union Training Center in Jecheon, Chungcheongbuk-do Province. The experience I had in Korea was unique. We trained every day but also visited museums and temples near the training center. 

Why should one practice Korean martial arts?
I believe that Korean martial arts align with Greek philosophy, and this is why they have been developed and spread. In general, these arts teach peace of mind and balance, have clean movements and boost confidence. They are excellent for practicing at any age.


*This article is written by a Korea.net Honorary Reporter. Our group of Honorary Reporters are from all around the world, and they share with Korea.net their love and passion for all things Korean.