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The second inter-Korean working-level meeting on protocol, security and media coverage for the upcoming inter-Korean summit was held today. The two sides reached a framework agreement on those issues.
At the working-level meeting today, both sides agreed on the real-time worldwide broadcasting of major events during the historic inter-Korean summit and the movements of the two leaders, including their first handshake. In this connection, they also reached an agreement to have additional consultations to devise more detailed plans on protocol, security and media coverage.
Today’s meeting continued for 5 hours and 15 minutes beginning at 10 am in the morning.
A total of 12 officials from both sides attended the meeting. The North Korean attendees consisted of chief representative Kim Chang Son and six other officials. The South Korean side included National Intelligence Service Second Deputy Director Kim Sang-gyun as the chief representative, Director for Government Situation Room Youn Kun-young, Protocol Secretary to the President Cho Han-ki, Director of Chunchugwan Kwun Hyuk-ki, and Vice Chief of Presidential Security Service Shin Yong-wook.