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Writer: James Chambers
Date: March 2018
Interview excerpts (President Moon Jae-in):
“My goal is to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue and solidify peace while I am in office,” he says optimistically, though he stops short of suggesting immediate reunification.
“My experience just shows how dynamic Korea’s modern history is,” says an ever-modest Moon who doesn’t see anything prophetic in his CV. “Many Koreans went through the experiences of war and poverty and felt the despair of division of the two Koreas and the loss of their homeland.”
Interview excerpts (First Lady Kim Jung-sook):
M: Do you give advice to the president?
KJ-S: I believe my role is to help him stay true to his original intentions and I also try my best to expose him to different opinions that he may not have been previously aware of. I pay a lot of attention to those who are marginalised and discriminated against, as well as to women’s issues.