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AlphaGo’s 4-1 victory against Go grandmaster Sedol Lee in the
spring of 2016 was a monumental event that directed great global attention to artificial intelligence (AI).
Several experts forecasted that AI would significantly transform society through AI-based vehicle driving, stock trading and patient diagnosis.
However, many believed it would take a substantial amount of time before the Fourth Industrial Revolution would become a reality in our daily lives.
the entire world is witnessing an unprecedented era of a new normal.
The pandemic served as a catalyst for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and brought forth the digital era at least 10 years earlier than expected,
with changes such as a contact-free society, accelerated digital transformation of businesses,
customized AI-based education, online lifelong learning, and jumpstarted remote healthcare services..
In 2017, the Korean government created the Presidential Committee on the Fourth Industrial Revolution consisting of
12 ministers and 20 experts from the ICT sector and academic circles as well as announced the National AI Strategies
and the Data 119 Project. In addition, with the pan-government Korean New Deal,
the Korean government is preparing for a better future, beyond economic recovery,
focusing on digital-, green-, and human-oriented new deal plans.
The Presidential Committee on the Fourth Industrial Revolution will hold the fourth
"Global Policy Trends on the 4th Industrial Revolution" conference on December 16, 2021.
Under the theme "AI & DX for a Better Future" the conference will serve as a venue for discussions among erudite scholars in and outside of Korea,
high-ranking officials from international organizations and governments, global corporate leaders and civil society leaders.
The event will look back upon the achievements and limitations identified during the five years of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
and how to prepare for the next five years (to 2025) and the next 30 years (to 2050).
In addition, the conference will be divided into three sessions: industry and economy, science and technology, and social innovation.