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Contributions From Experts

[Messages for the 2018 Inter-Korean Summit] From the Tajikistani Ambassador to Korea

Apr 27,2018
유수프 샤리프조다(Yusuf Sharifzoda) 주한 타지키스탄 대사. 주한 타지키스탄 대사관.

Ambassador of Tajikistan to the Republic of Korea Yusuf Sharifzoda. (Ambassador Yusuf Sharifzoda)

Ahead of the 2018 Inter-Korean Summit, the Embassy of Tajikistan to the Republic of Korea sent a congratulatory message.

In the message, Ambassador of Tajikistan to the Republic of Korea Yusuf Sharifzoda said, "The Republic of Tajikistan considers the restoration of the special communication line as a significant achievement between the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, which will have a positive impact in the further relations between the two countries."

"The Republic of Tajikistan will positively assess the possible outcomes of the planned Inter-Korean Summit," said the ambassador.

Below is the full message from the Embassy of Tajikistan in Korea.
