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This Website is the Presidential Records maintained and serviced by the Presidential Archives of Korea to ensure the people's right to know.

Highlights of the security service in the Nation's History!

Duties of the PSS

This is where you can get to know more about the duties of the Presidential Security Service.


Duties of the PSS

  • 01The president and his/her family
  • 02The president-elect and his/her family
  • 03The acting president and his/her spouse
  • 04Former Presidents and their spouse and children receive security service protection
    within ten (10) years after retirement from office only where it is not against his/her wish
  • 05Head of a state or head of executive branch of a foreign country visiting Korea, and
    his/her spouse
  • 06Any other domestic and foreign persons that the Chief of the Presidential Security Service
    deems to be necessary to protect