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This Website is the Presidential Records maintained and serviced by the Presidential Archives of Korea to ensure the people's right to know.

Highlights of the security service in the Nation's History!

Interpretations & Commitments

This is where you can see the interpretations and commitments, and the spirituality of the security guards.


One loyalty, Everlasting reputation

One Loyalty
  • All employees will strive to perform security duties with only one heart by way of unity and harmony
  • The basic spiritual commitment of security guards towards the country and the people
  • The Presidential guards' security duties are part of a historical national consciousness to seek prosperity of the people premised upon one’s own sacrifice
  • Pride and professionalism taking pride in one’s being part of the Presidential security guard based on an attitude of self-sacrifice and service


“ I am a loyal Presidential security guard working to guarantee absolute security ”
of the leader of the country

  • One.
    I fulfill my duty with dedication at the risk of my own life.
  • Two.
    I will maintain the best preparation attitudes with thorough self-control.
  • Three.
    I will maximize my integrated operation ability with mutual trust and cooperation.
  • Four.
    I will lead with my prompt and correct findings of the conditions in different locations.
  • Five.
    I will act bravely to deal with any threat to the President.