
Korea-U.K. Summit (October 2018)

President Moon Jae-in held a summit with U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May while attending the ASEM Summit in Brussels, Belgium. The two leaders shared a common understanding on the need for concrete measures to boost the North Korean denuclearization process in a substantial manner.


Korea-Italy Summit (October 2018)

President Moon Jae-in, in Italy on the second leg of his European tour, and Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte held a summit in Rome on Oct. 17. In the summit, the two leaders agreed to upgrade their countries' relationship to a strategic partnership.

In addition, they released a joint press statement that outlines measures that will strengthen economic, cultural and interpersonal ties, and that will increase cooperation on regional and international issues.


Korea-France Summit (October 2018)

President Moon Jae-in held the summit with French President Emmanuel Macron at Élysée Palace in Paris on Oct. 15, President Moon told the French leader, "We must encourage North Korea’s denuclearization by easing U.N. sanctions at least when and if we believe the denuclearization of the North Korean nuclear program reaches a point of no return."

President Macron said, "The North Korean nuclear issue has entered a new stage under the driving force of President Moon." "We expect the North can show its will to cooperate for the process of the denuclearization and the dismantlement of its missile program," said the French leader. He also added the U.N. Security Council’s sanctions will be necessary until then.


Korea-Egpyt Summit (September 2018)

President Moon Jae-in and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi held summit talks at the U.N. in New York on Sept. 26. The two presidents agreed to continue to hold high-level meetings and regular policy consultation meetings to maintain the joint projects in many different fields and to expand their range of cooperation to include the military and defense areas.


Korea-Chile Summit (September 2018)

President Moon Jae-in and Chilean President Sebastian Pinera held summit talks at the U.N. in New York on Sept. 26. The two presidents agreed that the Korea-Chile Free Trade Agreement (FTA), which has continued for 15 years now, has been a great success and agreed to revise the agreement at an early date to further improve bilateral economic cooperation.


Korea-Japan Summit (September 2018)

President Moon Jae-in, on a visit to New York to attend the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly, held a summit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in New York on Sept. 25 to discuss ways to develop the relationship between Seoul and Tokyo.
President Moon outlined the results of the inter-Korean summit held in Pyeongyang. He emphasized the importance of dialogue between North Korea and Japan, and the improvement of their relationship, in order to bring forward the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and so as to usher in a new era of peace and prosperity.


Korea-U.S. Summit (September 2018)

President Moon Jae-in, on a visit to New York to attend the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly, held bilateral summits with the U.S. leader to discuss denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula.
President Moon first met with U.S. President Donald Trump on Sept. 24 at the Lotte New York Palace hotel. They discussed the 2018 Inter-Korean Summit Pyeongyang and talked about ways Korea and the U.S. could cooperate on settling a permanent peace in the region.


Korea-Indonesia Summit (September 2018)

President Moon Jae-in and Indonesian President Joko Widodo held a summit at Cheong Wa Dae on Sept. 10. The two leaders discussed ways to strengthen the special strategic partnership that exists between the two countries.


Korea-Singapore Summit (July 2018)

President Moon Jae-in held a summit meeting with Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the Istana presidential palace on July 12. During the meeting, the two leaders agreed to further strengthen their countries' relationship by expanding cooperation on several areas, including trade and investment in human resources.

Following the summit, the two heads of state announced the results of their meeting in a joint press conference.

"Together we discussed ways to implement specific measures that would upgrade our countries' ties into a future-oriented relationship. One such measure is to increase exchanges of people, from the level of government all the way down to the civilian level," said President Moon.


Korea-India Summit(July 2018)

President Moon Jae-in held a summit with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at India’s state guesthouse on July 10. The two leaders agreed to further strengthen the “special strategic partnership” that exists between the two countries.

Following the summit, the two leaders issued a joint press statement and declared the formal adoption of “A Vision for People, Prosperity, Peace and our Future,” which reaffirms the crucial partnership between Seoul and New Delhi. They also officially announced a shared vision that aims to boost bilateral trade between them to USD 50 billion by 2030.