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Inter-Korean economic community can be realized based on denuclearization: President

President Moon Jae-in (third from left) participates in the 17th World Korean Business Convention, in Songdo Convensia, Incheon, on Oct. 23. Approximately 3,500 people, including Korean business people from overseas, attended the gathering.

President Moon Jae-in (third from left) participates in the 17th World Korean Business Convention, in Songdo Convensia, Incheon, on Oct. 23. Approximately 3,500 people, including Korean business people from overseas, attended the gathering.

By Xu Aiying and Yoon Sojung
Photos = Cheong Wa Dae

President Moon Jae-in met Korean business people around the globe at the opening ceremony of the 17th World Korean Business Convention, on Oct. 23.

At the gathering that took place in Songdo Convensia, Incheon, President Moon said, “The Korean people and the economy can make a new leap forward when the two Koreas realize one, united economic community and when people of both Koreas travel freely based on the foundation of complete denuclearization and peace on the Korean Peninsula.”

Approximately 3,500 people, including Korean business leaders from about 60 countries, attended the event which began on Oct. 24 and will continue on the 25th under the theme of “Unified Hansang, Driving Korea.” “Hansang” means Korean businesses.

President Moon looked back on last year when he met the delegation of local business leaders and entrepreneurs at Cheong Wa Dae after the convention. At that time, he urged the meeting attendees to gather all supports in order to make the PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games an “Olympic Games of peace.”

“Thanks to miraculous changes, things that we initially thought unimaginable have become real, and the precious, now-or-never opportunity has been given to the Korean people and business leaders,” he said.

As clearly stated in the Panmunjeom and Pyeongyang Joint Declarations, I will get rid of the shadow of war and open a new era of peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula,” said the president.

“I hope Korean business people can accompany the journey of the whole nation toward the peace and prosperity of the Korean Peninsula,” he added.

President Moon Jae-in addresses the 17th World Korean Business Convention, in Songdo Convensia, Incheon, on Oct. 23.

President Moon Jae-in addresses the 17th World Korean Business Convention, in Songdo Convensia, Incheon, on Oct. 23.

President Moon asked overseas business people to help small and medium-sized firms and venture start-ups so that they can penetrate overseas markets. He also urged them to guide the young people so that they can pioneer overseas market and grow up as the next generation of Korean business leaders.

President Moon asked for the business people to gather all power and wisdom for the ongoing effort of the Korean government toward the goal of creating peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula. He also vowed to support the business people with related policies in order to create a good environment for them.


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