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Address by President Moon Jae-in at May Day Stadium in Pyeongyang

Citizens of Pyeongyang, our brethren in the North,

I am delighted to meet you all here in Pyeongyang.

As President of the South, I cannot express in words how overwhelming it is to be given this opportunity by Chairman of the State Affairs Commission Kim Jong Un to greet you. Citizens of Pyeongyang, we are now forging a new era together in this way.

Chairman Kim Jong Un and I met at Panmunjeom on April 27 and shared a heartfelt embrace. We two leaders solemnly declared to 80 million Koreans and to the entire world that there would be no more war on the Korean Peninsula and that a new era of peace had opened.

We also confirmed the principle of autonomy for our people, whereby we ourselves determine our own fate.

By developing inter-Korean relations in an all-embracing and groundbreaking manner, we firmly pledged to reconnect Korea’s arteries and to hasten a future of common prosperity and reunification on our own terms.

Moreover, it was agreed that President Moon Jae-in would visit Pyeongyang this fall as I am doing now.

Citizens of Pyeongyang and fellow Koreans,

Today, Chairman Kim Jong Un and I have agreed on concrete measures to completely eliminate the fear of war and the risk of armed conflicts on the Korean Peninsula.

In addition, we affirmed our pledge to turn our beautiful territory from Baekdusan Mountain to Hallasan Mountain into a land of permanent peace, free from nuclear weapons and nuclear threats, and to bequeath it to our future generations. And, before it is too late, we agreed to take immediate measures to fundamentally ease the suffering of separated families.

I would like to give my unreserved applause to your leader Chairman Kim Jong Un, who has determined to join me on this bold journey and is resolutely taking steps toward a new future for the Korean people.

Citizens of Pyeongyang, my fellow Koreans,

During my stay in Pyeongyang, I have witnessed the city’s remarkable progress. Deep in my heart, I have recognized what kind of country Chairman Kim and his compatriots in the North want to build. I have keenly realized your wholehearted longing for reconciliation and peace for all Koreans. I have seen the indomitable courage in your determination to stand on your own feet even in the face of hard times, all the while maintaining the pride of the Korean people.

Citizens of Pyeongyang, fellow Koreans,

Our people are outstanding. Our people are resilient. Our people love peace. And our people must live together.

We had lived together for five thousand years but apart for just 70 years. Here, at this place today, I propose we move forward toward the big picture of peace in which the past 70-year-long hostility can be eradicated and we can become one again.

Chairman Kim Jong Un and I will firmly clasp the hands of 80 million Koreans in both the North and South and move forward to create a homeland anew.

Let us all march together on our journey into a new future.

Once again, I thank the many citizens, young people, students and children of Pyeongyang for giving us such a warm welcome with the mass performances today. You were magnificent.

Thank you.

(Unofficial translation)

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