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ㅇ매체 : 미국 USA Today / 2월8일
ㅇ한글제목 : ‘한국전의 폐허에서 ‘평화올림픽’ 개최로, 한국의 르네상스’
ㅇ원제목 : South Korea's renaissance: From ruins of Korean War to hosting 'Peace Olympics'
ㅇ내용 요약 : 오늘날 평창올림픽을 개최하는 한국은 서울올림픽 개최 당시와는 상당히 다른 위치에 있음. 한국은 선진국 대부분과 동등한 수준의 삶의 질을 향유. 문재인 대통령은 평창올림픽을 긴장이 흐르는 북한과의 관계를 새롭게 시작할 최고의 기회로 만들었음. 스포츠 외교는 문 대통령이 자주 언급하는 ‘평화 올림픽’의 핵심이 될 수 있음.
ㅇ원문 요약 : When South Korea hosted the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, it was a coming-out party for a poor country still recovering from the ruins of the Korean War.
Fast-forward to today, and South Korea is a much different place as the Winter Games begin in the city of Pyeongchang. Seoul, the capital, is now a dynamic hub of 25 million, and South Koreans enjoy a standard of living on par with most developed countries. Moon has positioned these Olympics as the best chance to kick-start a tense relationship with North Korea, which is sending athletes and performers to the Games. Sports diplomacy could be key to what Moon has regularly called the “Peace Olympics.”