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[NYT] 분단 남북한, 올림픽 통해 보기 드문 화합 연출


[NYT] 분단 남북한, 올림픽 통해 보기 드문 화합 연출


ㅇ매체 : 미국 NYT / 2월8일

ㅇ한글제목 : 분단 남북한, 올림픽 통해 보기 드문 화합 연출

ㅇ원제목 : Two Koreas, Split by War, Use Olympics to Make Rare Shows of Unity 


ㅇ내용 요약 : 

평창올림픽에서 북한은 서울올림픽 때와는 다른 모습. 참가 뿐 아니라, 개회식 공동입장과 여자 아이스하키 단일팀 구성에도 합의. 이는 남북관계 긴장에서 올림픽으 역할 변화를 보여줌. 과거엔 남북이 올림픽을 상대로 이길 계기로 삼는데 중점을 두었으나, 최근엔 긴장완화 기회로 활용 또한 올림픽 외교를 남북화합 연출을 위해 이용할 수 있음을 배우게 된 것. 문 대통령은 지난 가을 유엔 총회 연설에서 “평창이 평화의 빛을 밝히는 촛불이 될 것"이라고 강조한 바 있음. 이번 평창올림픽에서 제한된 협력이지만, 이는 스포츠를 통한 남북화해 추구라는 부침이 많은 긴 여정에서 정점을 이루는 것 


ㅇ원문 요약 : 

It’s a different picture three decades later, as South Korea prepares to host its second Olympics. The North Koreans are not only joining, but their athletes will march with the South Koreans in the opening ceremony and compete side by side in the Koreas’ first joint Olympic team, in women’s ice hockey. The turnaround underscores the changed role that the Olympics have come to play in the tense relations between the two Koreas, which never signed a peace treaty to end the 1950-53 Korean War. For years, the rival Koreas used the Games to showcase their competing claims to represent the Korean people, and try to one-up each other. More recently, however, the North and South have come to see international sporting events as a chance to defuse tensions, including the current standoff over North Korea’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs. The two Koreas have also learned to use Olympic diplomacy to achieve in a small, symbolic way a much bigger goal that eludes them in the real world: a show of unity across the divided Korean Peninsula. “It is not an impossible dream,” South Korea’s president, Moon Jae-in, said at the United Nations in September. He said the coming Olympics, which are being held in the South Korean resort of Pyeongchang, “will become a candle that sheds light on peace.” 


ㅇ링크 : https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/08/world/asia/olympics-north-korea-joint-team.html