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ㅇ매체 : 미국 워싱턴포스트 / 2월8일
ㅇ한글제목 : 한국에 금메달을 수여하라
ㅇ원제목 : Give South Korea a gold medal
ㅇ내용 요약 :
평창올림픽으로 세계의 관심이 모아지는 가운데 스포츠보다 주최국인 한국을 주목하는게 의미 있음. 한국은 어떤 측면에서 세계에서 가장 성공적인 국가이며, 몇가지 중요한 교훈을 보여주고 있음.
50년 전만해도 한국이 세계 최빈국에 속했음을 감안할 때 한국의 경제적 성과는 더더욱 인상 깊은 것. 또, 한국은 독재국가에서 민주국가로 변모했음.
미국의 지원도 한국의 성공에 기여한 요소
ㅇ원문 요약 :
As the world’s attention turns briefly away from President Trump and toward the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, it’s worth focusing not just on the sports but also on this year’s host country. South Korea is, in some senses, the most successful nation in the world, and its success provides some crucial lessons.
Half a century ago, South Korea was one of the poorest countries on the planet, and nobody would have predicted that it would conjure up an economic miracle. The country had no natural resources, no geographic advantages, a largely illiterate population and an infrastructure that had been battered during the war.
In addition to its economic boom, however, South Korea has also undergone a political transformation. It spent its first decades under repressive dictatorships. Moreover, in recent years, South Korea has held accountable both its elected president and the owners of its largest company, impressive actions even when compared to more established democracies in the West.
I would add one other major factor to explain South Korea’s success: the United States. It shielded and supported South Korea from its infancy, when it was a basket-case economy and a fragile country threatened by its neighbors.