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o 제목 : 북한 문제에 대한 한미 파트너십 흔들리는 때 한미 정상회담 개최 / Trump to meet South Korea’s Moon amid signs that partnership is faltering on North Korea
o 매체 : 워싱턴포스트 / 5월 21일 / David Nakamura
o 내용 : 빅터 차 조지타운대 교수는 문 대통령의 방비는 북-미 정상회담을 살리기 위한 것이라고 설명함. 문재인 대통령으로서 이번 방미는 트럼프 대통령의 우려를 누그러뜨리고, 회담 결과에 대한 트럼프 대통령의 기대치를 재조정할 중대 기회를 뜻하는 것.
o 원문 : “This time last week, Moon was coming here with the intention of trying to heavily script what Trump would do in his meeting with Kim,” said Victor Cha, who served as senior Asia director at the National Security Council in the George W. Bush administration. “Now, he’s coming here just to try to save the summit. The mission has really changed.” For Moon, who has staked his presidency on the peace push, the White House visit, scheduled weeks ago, represents a crucial opportunity to soothe Trump’s concerns and, perhaps, readjust his expectations about the potential outcome.