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o 제목 : 문재인 대통령, 북미정상회담의 불씨 살려놓기 위해 방미
/ South Korea's President Moon heads for Washington to help keep Kim and Trump summit alive
o 매체 : 로스앤젤레스타임스/ 5월 21일 / MATT STILES
o 내용 : 3주 전, 남북 정상회담은 북-미 정상회담의 서곡으로 보였던 것. 문 대통령의 이번 방미 목표는 북-미 정상회담의 불씨를 살려놓는 것.
o 원문 : Three weeks ago, South Korean President Moon Jae-in triumphantly celebrated a successful inter-Korean summit — a precursor, it seemed, for a historic sit-down between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and President Trump.
Moon, the son of North Korean war refugees who has staked his political legacy on trying to end the decades-old stalemate between the North and South, is traveling to Washington this week with the goal of keeping the Kim-Trump summit alive.
o 기사 링크 : http://www.latimes.com/world/asia/la-fg-south-korea-moon-summits-20180521-story.html