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2018년 01월 09일
2년만에 재개되는 남북 공식 고위급 회담을 앞두고 프란치스코 교황은 '신년 외교정책 연설'에서 "한반도의 대화 노력을 지지하는 것은 매우 중요하다"며 전 세계의 지지를 호소했습니다. 오늘의 한 장, 오늘의 한 마디입니다. “It is of paramount importance to support every effort at dialogue on the Korean peninsula" <바티칸 뉴스 원문> Pope Francis has also called on all nations to support dialogue to ease tensions on the Korean peninsula and to work for a legally binding ban on nuclear weapons. “It is of paramount importance to support every effort at dialogue on the Korean peninsula, in order to find new ways of overcoming the current disputes, increasing mutual trust and ensuring a peaceful future for the Korean people and the entire world," Pope Francis said in his annual address to the diplomatic corps on Monday in the Vatican. |