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This Website is the Presidential Records maintained and serviced by the Presidential Archives of Korea to ensure the people's right to know.

Operation Guide

Personal Information Processing Policy

Personal Information Protection Act

  • All the personal information handled by the Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization is collected, retained, and processed on the basis of the related legislation, or with the agreement of the principals of the information
    The ‘Personal Information Protection Act’ suggests the general norms for the handling of personal information, and the Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization will handle the personal information collected, retained, and processed according to the Personal Information Protection Act lawfully and adequately for the proper performance of public affairs and the protection of the rights of the public.

    Also, the Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization respects your rights and interests, including the right to claim an inspection and the right to claim a correction of the personal information retained by the Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization, according to the regulations of the related legislation, and it is possible for you to seek an administrative judgment of the infringement of the rights and interests stipulated in such legislation according to the Administrative Appeals Act.

Protection of Personal Information on the Website

  • The personal information protection policy on the Website of the Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization is based on the current ‘Personal Information Protection Act’.
    Decentralization is based on the current ‘Personal Information Protection Act’. The address of the Website, which is being operated by the Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization is written below, and the personal information protection policy will be applied to all Websites operated by the committee, unless there is a separate explanation. - 19pcad.pa.go.kr

Personal Information Collected and Stored Automatically

  • The following information is collected and stored automatically when you use the Website of the Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization
    The domain of users’ Internet server and the address of Websites the users accessed when visiting our Website
    The users’ browser and OS
    Date and time of visit, etc.
    Such information collected and stored automatically will be used for statistical analysis, which will be used the improvement and the complementation of the Website and to smooth communication between users and the Website for the provision of improved services for the users. However, please note that we may be obliged to submit the information according to related legislation.

Information Collected through e-mail, Web Template, etc.

  • Users can express their opinions by mail, telephone call, or electronic methods, including online electronic forms. Here are a few things that you need to be aware of when choosing the methods.
    The matters you write on the Website may be accessed or read by others.
    The matters you write can be shared with others who require it according to related legislation, and may be used as data for the enforcement of related laws and the development of policies.
    Also, such information may be shared with other governmental departments, or offered to them if necessary.
    Though we are doing our best for the security of the Website in both managerial and technical aspects, please avoid writing sensitive information, which can cause problems such as the invasion or leakage of information.

Acquisition of the Personal Information of Others While Using the Website

  • It is prohibited to acquire the personal identification information, such as an e-mail address on the Website operated by the Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization. A person who reads or obtains such personal information untruthfully or illegally can be punished per the regulations in Article 71 of the ‘Personal Information Protection Act’.

Linked Sites and Web Pages

  • If you move to other sites or Web pages by clicking the links or banners included on the Web pages operated by the Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization, please check with the personal information protection policies of the new sites as different Websites applying different policies.

Remedy Against Infringement upon Rights and Interests

  • A user may make a claim for damages against the person in charge of the personal information processing according to the regulations in Article 4 (Right of the Principal of Information) and Item 1, or Article 39 (Responsibility for Compensation for Damage) of the ‘Personal Information Protection Act’.
    ※ Visit http://www.moleg.go.krfor more details about administrative appeals.

Report of Infringement upon Personal Information

  • Please contact below noted officer in charge if there is an incident which may infringe upon the rights and interests of the principal’s information, including the possibility of the leakage of personal information while using the Website of the Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization.
    [Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization]
    Officer in charge: Hong, Su-ji
    Address: Government Complex-Seoul. #811, 209, Sejong-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03171, Korea
    Tel: ***