이 웹사이트는 제19대 대통령 임기 및 위원회 운영 종료에 따라「대통령기록물 관리에 관한 법률」에 의해 이관하여 제공하는 대통령기록물입니다. 자료의 열람만 가능하며 수정 · 추가 · 삭제는 불가능합니다.
다만, 「개인정보보호법」에 의하여 개인의 정보를 보호받기 원하시는 분은 관련 내용(요청자, 요청내용, 연락처, 글위치)을 대통령 웹기록물 담당자(044-211-2253)에게 요청해 주시면 신속히 검토하여 조치해 드리겠습니다. 감사합니다.
All the personal information handled by the Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization is collected, retained, and processed on the basis of the related legislation, or with the agreement of the principals of the information
The ‘Personal Information Protection Act’ suggests the general norms for the handling of personal information, and the Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization will handle the personal information collected, retained, and processed according to the Personal Information Protection Act lawfully and adequately for the proper performance of public affairs and the protection of the rights of the public.
Also, the Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization respects your rights and interests, including the right to claim an inspection and the right to claim a correction of the personal information retained by the Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization, according to the regulations of the related legislation, and it is possible for you to seek an administrative judgment of the infringement of the rights and interests stipulated in such legislation according to the Administrative Appeals Act.