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The Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization is a presidential advisory committee, which is responsible for the overall coordination of policies to be implemented for the realization of autonomy and decentralization. The role of the Committee is to prepare methods for the reform of systems, to expand the autonomy of local government, to enhance their capabilities, and report to the president.
Composition of the Committee
The Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization is composed of 27 members in total: 3 official members: the Minister of Public Administration and Security, the Minister of Strategy and Finance and the Minister for the Cabinet Office, plus 24 civilian members equipped with sufficient knowledge and experience.
Among the 24 civilian members, 6 are recommended by the president, 10 by the Chairman of the National Assembly, and 2 each by 4 major local associations, including the Association of Provincial Governors and Metropolitan City Mayors and the Association of the Chairmans of the Metropolitan City and Provincial Assembly, and all the members are appointed by the president.