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Introduction of Committee

Welcome Greetings

Greetings! My name is Kim Soon Eun, and I am the Chairperson of the Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization.

First of all, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude for your continued support for and interest in the Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization.
In line with your high expectations, the Committee’s first round of deliberations reaped significant outcomes in line with your expectations.

In 2020, the local consumption tax rate was raised by 10%p, enabling the yearly transfer of KRW 8.5 trillion to local governments in full scale. The Comprehensive Local Transfer Act, which mandates the immediate transfer of over 400 authorities and tasks from the central government to local governments, was also enacted in January this year.

An aggressive drive for autonomy and decentralization is critical to attain the balanced development of the entire nation. The newly launched second round of the Committee is expected to serve as momentum to complete the institutionalization of autonomy and decentralization based on our past achievements. We plan to focus on passing the bill to wholly amend the Local Autonomy Act, thus completing the second stage of financial decentralization, and passing the four legislative bills for autonomy and decentralization, including the bills to amend the Act on Donation to Hometown and the Central-Local Cooperation Council Act, to further elevate and substantiate autonomy and decentralization.

We are also determined to expand the autonomous scope of local governments and citizens. Through the realization of autonomy and decentralization in their true sense and the expansion of local citizens’ right to autonomy, we will achieve grassroots democracy, reinforce the foundation for each local government’s self-led growth, and ultimately narrow the gap between the central government and local governments.

We will facilitate communication between citizens and local governments and between the central and local governments and thereby contribute to building a nation of co-prosperity and progress together with the local governments and citizens.

Your unsparing encouragement is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Chairperson of the Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization Kim, Soon Eun