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Introduction of Committee

Committee members and administration of meetings

  • 김순은 위원장
    Kim, Soon Eun
    (Former) Professor at Seoul National University in the graduate school of Public Administration
  • 소순창 부위원장
    Vice Chairperson
    So, Soon-chang
    Professor of Konkuk University
    전해철 부위원장
    Vice Chairperson
    Jeon, Hae-cheol
    Minister of Public Administration and Security
  • Subcommittee on Autonomous System

    김중석 분과위원장
    Chairman of the subcommittee
    Kim, Joong-seok
    President of Gangwon people’s Daily newspaper
    전해철 부위원장
    Vice Chairperson(official member)
    Jeon, Hae-cheol
    Minister of Public Administration and Security
    김소연 위원
    Kim, So-yun
    김지수 위원
    Kim, Ji-soo
    Councilmen of Gyeongsangnam-do Provincial Council
    유동열 위원
    Yoo, Dong-ryul
    Korea Institute of Liberal Democracy, Head
    이옥남 위원
    Yi, Ok-nam
    Institute for Market Economy and Democracy, Director
    최근열 위원
    Choi, Keun-yeul
    Professor of Kyungil University
    최백영 위원
    Choi, Baek-young
    DaehoAL, Standing auditor
    황명선 위원
    Hwang, Myeong-seon
    Mayor of Nonsan City
  • Subcommittee on the Transfer of Financial Affairs and Functions

    유태현 분과위원장
    Chairman of the subcommittee
    Yoo, Tae-hyun
    Professor of Namseoul University
    홍남기 위원
    Commissioner(official member)
    Hong, Nam-ki
    Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance
    김태훈 위원
    Kim, Tae-hoon
    Hyundai law firm, Representative lawyer
    박정웅 위원
    Park, Jung-woong
    Special Committee on Science and Technology Promotion of the Democratic Party of Korea, Vice Chairman
    배정아 위원
    Bae Jung-ah
    Professor of Chonnam National University
    서은숙 위원
    Seo, Eun-suk
    Mayor of Busanjin-gu
    임현 위원
    Im, Hyun
    Professor of Dept. of Public Administration Korea University
    조지훈 위원
    Cho, Ji-hun
    Jeollabukdo Business Agency CEO
  • Subcommittee on Autonomous Innovation

    손혁재 분과위원장
    Chairman of the subcommittee
    Son, Hyuk-jae
    Paju City Facilities Management Corporation CEO
    소순창 부위원장
    Vice Chairperson
    So, Soon-chang
    Professor of Konkuk University
    구윤철 위원
    Commissioner(official member)
    Koo, Yun-cheol
    Minister for the Cabinet Office
    김상미 위원
    Kim, Sang-mi
    Research Institute of Local Councils, President
    김용철 위원
    Kim, Yong-cheol
    Professor of Chonnam National University
    김태영 위원
    Kim, Tae-Young
    Professor of Kyung Hee University
    박선영 위원
    Park, Sun-young
    Professor of Dongguk University
    이향수 위원
    Yi, Hyang-su
    Professor of Konkuk University
    장인봉 위원
    Jang, In-bong
    Professor of Shinhan University(Dean of Academic Affairs)

Main Committee

  • Legal grounds Article 44 of the Special Act on Local Autonomy and Decentralization and Local Administrative System Realignment
  • Number of committee members 27 (two-year terms)
    • 24 appointed members: 6 recommended by the President, 10 recommended by the Speaker of the National Assembly, and 8 recommended by the four major local consultative associations
    • 3 ex officio members: Minister of the Interior and Safety (Vice Chairperson), Minister of Economy and Finance, and Minister of the Office for Government Policy Coordination
  • Operation Regular meetings (at least once per quarter) and special meetings presided over by the Chairperson
  • Functions
    • Establishing the comprehensive autonomy and decentralization plan, preparing yearly implementation plans, and assessing the implementation status
    • Executing related tasks such as transferring functions, increasing local finance, and expanding citizens’ participation
    • Presenting opinions for the central government’s enactment and amendment of laws related to local autonomy
    • Collecting opinions of local autonomous bodies and citizens regarding the local administrative system realignment, etc.
본위원회 구성 본위원회 구성


  • Legal grounds Article 46 of the Special Act on Local Autonomy and Decentralization and Local Administrative System Realignment
  • Composition Subcommittee on Autonomous System, Subcommittee on the Transfer of Financial Affairs and Functions, and Subcommittee on Autonomous Innovation
  • Number of subcommittee members No more than 9 per subcommittee named by the Chairperson of the Main Committee
  • Operation Convened at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Main Committee or the subcommittee
  • Functions Reviewing and adjusting the agenda items to be tabled to the Main Committee (general meeting)
Composition and Major Functions of Subcommittees
Composition and Major Functions of Subcommittees
Subcommittee Task
Subcommittee on Autonomous System
  • Expanding citizens’ participation through the budget compilation system engaging citizens, etc.
  • Reinforcing citizens’ right to autonomy
  • Implementing and dispersing the autonomous police system
  • Promoting the connection and cooperation between educational autonomy and local autonomy
  • Operating the central-local cooperation organization
  • Promoting the connection and cooperation between local autonomous bodies
  • Realizing the Jeju- and Sejong-style model of autonomy and decentralization
  • Improving the local assembly system
  • Reinforcing the right to autonomy and ensuring responsibility
  • Establishing and assessing the comprehensive plan and yearly implementation plans for autonomy and decentralization
  • Establishing, reviewing, and assessing the implementation plans for different tasks and projects
  • Other matters determined by the Chairperson of the Main Committee
Subcommittee on the Transfer of Financial Affairs and Functions
  • Improving national and local taxation structure and expanding local tax revenues
  • Realigning projects funded by government subsidies and local finance adjustment systems
  • Expanding the autonomy and responsibility of local governments’ financial management
  • Transferring the State’s authorities and affairs to local governments
  • Transferring the affairs of upper-tier local governments (metropolitan and special cities and provinces) to lower-tier local governments (cities, counties, and districts)
Subcommittee on Autonomous Innovation
  • Reinforcing the competence of local autonomous bodies for the post-COVID-19 era
  • Realigning the local administrative system to prepare for the continued decrease in population and the AI era and redesigning its structure and functions
  • Operating special autonomous bodies
  • Reforming special local administrative institutions, etc.
  • Revising exceptions for large cities
  • Diversifying the types and structures of institutions under local autonomous bodies
  • Realigning the local election system

Expert Committees

  • Legal grounds Article 46 of the Special Act on Local Autonomy and Decentralization and Local Administrative System Realignment
  • Functions Reviewing and coordinating matters entrusted by the Main Committee and subcommittees and providing support for research and surveys
  • Composition
  • Expert Committee on Citizens’ Autonomy
    • [Composition] Experts on citizens’ right to autonomy from academia and civic groups
    • [Functions] Reviewing and developing policies to promote each local community’s autonomy and setting the related directions
  • Expert Committee on Financial Decentralization
    • [Composition] Experts in financial decentralization
    • [Functions] Preparing realignment measures for local finance systems to improve the autonomy and responsibility of local governments in relation to finance and providing support for researching and reviewing other matters pertaining to financial decentralization
  • Expert Committee on the Transfer of Central Authorities
    • [Composition] Experts in the redistribution of central and local governments’ affairs and the transfer of authorities
    • [Functions] Identifying affairs subject to local transfer, collecting opinions of related institutions, and reviewing the possibilities of transfers
    • [Communicating ministries]
      (Expert Committee I) Communicating with 19 ministries in the fields of society, culture, and welfare
      (Expert Committee II) Communicating with 18 ministries in the fields of manufacturing, construction, and environment
  • Expert Committee on the Cost Assessment for the Transfer to Local Governments
    • [Composition] 12 experts in local finance and cost assessment for transfers to local governments
    • [Functions] Researching and assessing the workforce and financial resources required to transfer affairs to local governments
  • Expert Committee on Autonomous Innovation
    • [Composition] Experts in local administration from academia and research institutions
    • [Functions] Reviewing and conducting research on innovative tasks such as the reinforcement of the competence for autonomy and decentralization for the post-COVID-19 era

Special Committee on the Autonomy, Decentralization, and Balanced Development of Sejong and Jeju

  • Legal grounds Article 17-2 of the Detailed Rules on the Operation of the Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization
  • Structure Affiliated jointly with the Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization and the Presidential Committee for Balanced National Development
  • Functions Reviewing and resolving matters related to institutional improvements for expanding the autonomy and decentralization of Sejong and Jeju, policy measures for local development by improving the competence for self-led growth, etc.
  • Procedures Review and resolution by the Special Committee → Resolution by the Subcommittee on Autonomous System → Resolution by the Main Committee (general meeting)

Policy Advisory Committee

  • Legal grounds Article 17 of the Detailed Rules on the Operation of the Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization Article 2 of the Rules on the Organization and Operation of the Policy Advisory Committee
  • Number of committee members 141
  • Functions Offering policy proposals and consultation related to autonomy and decentralization; proposing development measures; collecting opinions of and promoting cooperation with pertinent experts and institutions in academia, the press, and the National Assembly