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Introduction of Committee

History of the committee

  • 1999


    [The People’s Government]The “Presidential Committee for Promotion of Local Empowerment”, etc. worked for decentralization, including the transfer of the affairs of the central government to local governments

  • 2003


    [The Participatory Government] The “Presidential Committee on Government Innovation & Decentralization” directed the entire process, including the establishment of the road map for decentralization, and the “Presidential Committee for the Promotion of Local Empowerment” reviewed transfer of works, etc.

  • 2008


    [Lee Myung-bak Administration] The Presidential Committee for Decentralization and the Presidential Committee for Promotion of Reform of Local Administrative System worked to decentralize and reform of administrative systems respectively.

  • 2013


    [Park Geun-hye Administration] The Presidential Committee for Decentralization and the Presidential Committee for Promotion of Reform of Local Administrative System were merged as the Presidential Committee for the Development of Local Autonomy.

  • 2017


    [MOON Jae-in Administration] Autonomy and decentralization was selected as a core task within the Top 100 national tasks.
    ※ The chairman of the committee was appointed (Aug. 28, 2017) and the committee was formed (Jan. 23, 2018).

    - The revised bill of the “Special Act on Autonomy and Decentralization and Local Administration System” was proclaimed in March, 2018.
    ※ The bill was passed by the National Assembly (Feb. 28, 2018) and promulgated (Mar. 20, 2018).

연혁 경과(다음 내용 참조) 연혁 경과(다음 내용 참조)
  1. The People’s Government · The Participatory Government
    Presidential Committee for the Promotion of Local Empowerment(Special law was enacted in Jan. 1999)
    Presidential Committee on Government Innovation & Decentralization(Formed by presidential decree in Apr. 2003)
    Practical Working Group for Autonomous Police Systems(Formed by presidential instructions in Nov. 2004)
  2. Lee Myung-bak Administration
    Presidential Committee for Decentralization(Special law was revised in Feb. 2008)
    Presidential Committee for the Promotion of Reform of Local Administrative Systems(Special law was enacted in Oct.2010)
    Practical Working Group for Autonomous Police Systems(Formed by presidential instructions in Nov. 2004)
  3. Park Geun-hye Administration
    Presidential Committee for the Development of Local Autonomy(Special law was enacted in May, 2013)
  4. MOON Jae-in Administration
    Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization(Special law was promulgated on Mar. 20, 2018)