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[The People’s Government]The “Presidential Committee for Promotion of Local Empowerment”, etc. worked for decentralization, including the transfer of the affairs of the central government to local governments
[The Participatory Government] The “Presidential Committee on Government Innovation & Decentralization” directed the entire process, including the establishment of the road map for decentralization, and the “Presidential Committee for the Promotion of Local Empowerment” reviewed transfer of works, etc.
[Lee Myung-bak Administration] The Presidential Committee for Decentralization and the Presidential Committee for Promotion of Reform of Local Administrative System worked to decentralize and reform of administrative systems respectively.
[Park Geun-hye Administration] The Presidential Committee for Decentralization and the Presidential Committee for Promotion of Reform of Local Administrative System were merged as the Presidential Committee for the Development of Local Autonomy.
[MOON Jae-in Administration] Autonomy and decentralization was selected as a core task within the Top 100 national tasks.
※ The chairman of the committee was appointed (Aug. 28, 2017) and the committee was formed (Jan. 23, 2018).
- The revised bill of the “Special Act on Autonomy and Decentralization and Local Administration System” was proclaimed in March, 2018.
※ The bill was passed by the National Assembly (Feb. 28, 2018) and promulgated (Mar. 20, 2018).